Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hello !
I'm finally married, the new home in Montigny is tidy, and I'm happy to be back at work !
If you would like to see some of our wedding pictures, just click on the following link :

(sorry I don't manage to put the link, for the moment, if you can paste the link in your browser, it would be great :)... I'll find a better way to do soon !)

I will make pictures of my new work room in a few days :).
I'm working on an "aigue-marine" green-blue bear for Nina who made the plaid on this page, I will post pictures in one or two days.
For the moment, as we agreed for a less peachy one with Ann, so little Louisa is available for adoption. I will list her on ebay today, with the same adoption fees with buy-it-now as it would be on my website.

Lots of bear hugs,


Laura Lynn said...

Congratulations Marion!!!!!

Kelly said...

Congratulations! Being married is wonderful! I have two pieces of advice for a long and happy marriage. Never go to bed mad, and have separate bathrooms!

I added a link to your blog on mine.


Anonymous said...


Love your work Marion! and so I pass on to you the "you make my day award"
Bear Hugs,
Vivianne Galli

p.s. Please visit my blog to read the fine print :O)